
Electric Troubleshooting

Electric troubleshooting is a core services at Positively Electrical. The cause of an electrical fault or issue is usually not obvious, and it takes a trained professional to readily source the cause of the problem.

We can expertly troubleshoot electrical systems. We will solve by your electric problems by replacing only defective equipment or components in the least amount of time. One of the most important factors in doing this, is the approach used. Our expert troubleshooter uses a system approach that allows to logically and systematically analyze a circuit and find exactly what is wrong.

The approach described here is a logical, systematic approach. It is a proven process that is highly effective and reliable in helping to solve electrical problems. Our approach differs from other in that we do not use step by step approach it is more of a thinking process that we use to analyze a circuit’s behavior and find what part or components are responsible for the faulty operation. This approach is general and allows us to use it on any type of electrical circuit. In fact, the principles covered in this approach can be applied to many other types of problem solving scenarios, not just electrical circuits.


  1. Observation
  2. Define Problem Area
  3. Identify Possible Causes
  4. Determine Most Probable Cause
  5. Repair and Test